The Kevin Bishop Show was a sketch comedy written by and starring English comedian Kevin Bishop, part of the Star Stories team. The show was commissioned by Channel 4 for a six-part series starting on the 25th of July 2008 at 10pm. A pilot was broadcast on the 23rd of November 2007 as part of Channel 4's Comedy Showcase and the programme soon earned interest for its incredibly fast pace; 42 sketches were shown in 23 minutes. The show was nominated for Best New Comedy at the 2008 British Comedy Awards. The show started its second series on Friday the 31st of July 2009 at 10pm on Channel 4.
A showcase for stand-up comics, telecast from the Manhattan nitery. Richard Belzer performed on the opener; others who appeared include Joy Behar, Gilbert Gottfried, Denis Leary, Janeane Garofalo, Darrell Hammond, David Cross and Rich Hall.
Atlantis High is a teen comedy TV show, shot in New Zealand in 2001.The plot revolves around 16-year-old Giles Gordon, who has just moved to Sunset Cove, "a beautiful coastal surfing town where the sun is always shining, the people are all beautiful and everything is perfect... or so it seems. " He enrolls in Atlantis High School, where he soon discovers that Sunset Cove is unlike any town he's ever seen: populated by double-agents, aliens and high school students with blue hair and pointy ears, its inhabitants are eccentric lunatics who at times turn into superheroes or other whimsical figures.Atlantis High both parodies soap operas and pays homage to spoof television.