Set in 1980s London, this comedy series follows the Easmon family, which has settled in England after having arrived from Sierra Leone a decade earlier. The Easmons' son, Akuna, hangs out in the housing project where the family lives, playing soccer and dodging the local thugs. The family's life is turned upside down when Walter's brother Valentine arrives in the U.K., bringing chaos in his wake and igniting a passion for music in Akuna.
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When the news is announced that a comet is on an unavoidable collision course with Earth, the most hilarious and unexpected chain of events imaginable is set in motion.
The Café is a British sitcom written by and starring Ralf Little and Michelle Terry broadcast by Sky1. The waitress was Avril Kelly, who served drinks to the audience and guests and acts as the announcer of what would occur following the commercial break.opening .Chats were conducted with two or three guests, there were comic inserts and a musical performance rounded off the show. Past guests included Jason Byrne and Donna and Joseph McCaul, PJ Gallagher and Tom McGurk, Glen Wallace and Jennifer Metcalfe, Caroline Morahan, Amanda Byram, Michelle Heaton, Nicola McLean, Daithí Ó Sé, The Kinetiks, The Coronas, Rosanna Davision, Jacob Byrne, Oliver Callan and Pat Kenny, wrestlers Scotty 2 Hotty and Joe Legend, The Saw Doctors, panellist John Bishop and Skins actors Mike Bailey, Daniel Kaluuya and Larissa Wilson.The Cafe completed transmission of its fifth season on 27 March 2009. A sixth season was revealed on 14 August 2009 by Aidan Power to be on the way. The last ever episode was broadcast on 2 April 2010 due to its axing by RTÉ to make way for new programming.
Starlings is a British comedy-drama written by Steve Edge and Matt King who also play the roles of Fergie and Uncle Loz. It is one of the few new television comedy series that has been commissioned and aired on Sky1.
Micky Flanagan bids to declutter his mind of the big questions that keep us all up at night - Is there really such a thing as a mid-life crisis? Why do we Brits like to think of ourselves as plucky underdogs? Can you offend a German, and does a leather waistcoat have any place in modern society?
Alan Carr hosts this movie game-show where comedians team up with famous actors to answer classic film trivia, spoof famous film scenes, and poke fun at their own work.