This installment in the Fast and Furious franchise chronicles the rise of a new threat against Dom and his loved ones. Years after his father, Hernan Reyes, was defeated by Dom, Dante seeks vengeance, and nothing can stop him. Dom must confront Dante without risking the lives of his own family. But Dante's already after Dom's son Brian.
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Sam the snowman tells us the story of a young red-nosed reindeer who, after being ousted from the reindeer games because of his glowing nose, teams up with Hermey, an elf who wants to be a dentist, and Yukon Cornelius, the prospector. They run into the Abominable Snowman and find a whole island of misfit toys. Rudoph vows to see if he can get Santa to help the toys, and he goes back to the North Pole on Christmas Eve But Santa's sleigh is fogged in. But when Santa looks over Rudolph, he gets a very bright idea...
A postman, S.D. Kluger, decides to answer some of the most common questions about Santa Claus, and tells us about a baby named Kris who is raised by a family of elf toymakers named Kringle. When Kris grows up, he wants to deliver toys to the children of Sombertown. But its Mayor is too mean to let that happen. And to make things worse, the Winter Warlock lives between the Kringles and Sombertown.
Likable 6th grader Liam writes to Santa asking him to prove that he's real. But Liam is dyslexic and accidentally sends his letter to Satan instead, who shows up at Liam's house, excited to have his first fanboy letter and wanting a little of Liam's soul.
Three female African-American mathematicians provide crucial calculations for NASA's space race against the Soviets, all while dealing with the racist and sexist assumptions of their white co-workers.
Kate is a driven publishing exec visiting a summer resort with her boyfriend Eric. There she runs into Shep, an old high school friend and fellow camp counselor, who is now the Activities Director.